Get ready kids. This will be a long one. Here is a short list of what went down, and then we will go into detail. I went to Hyde Park, to the Serpentine Gallery in said park, wandered around by the Royal College of Music, tried to find where I will be living, got sort of lost in Kensington/Chelsea,(delightful, try it sometime) finally found the address, went to a thrift store, went to a fabric store, found an adorable little antique store that was closed, and bought Jelly Babies. I am now at my leisure eating said babies. They are deeeelishus. Here. Here are some pictures.
This was last night: I was just amused by the difference in the view from me window at night vs. morning.
Here's where I am currently staying, thanks to an awesome uncle. :)
Now we come to Hyde Park. This is not a little playground park we are talking about here. This is a PARK. A park where you could disappear. A green, luscious thing in the middle of stone and steel and concrete.
Allow me to remind you we are in the middle of a city of about 8 million people.
PIDGIN. being a pigeon. Like a boss.
There are enormous amounts of birdies. They get ridiculously close to you, make lots of noise, and are generally companionable and delightful. Later I will upload some little scribblings of them, after I color them, and you should all help me figure out what kind they are. I have guesses, but am not a birdwatcher.
This is not the greatest picture, but it immediately made me think of that bit in the Aristocats "Amelia! BOTTOMS UP!!!" ah. ha.
Not only do they have a neato park, they let you let your Irish Wolfhound run around without a leash. I now want a dog. There seems to be an unreasonable amount of beautiful dogs in this joint.
This was a little place in the park called the Serpentine Gallery. As you can see, it has a lovely enclosed garden, with a general air of peace and welcoming. The park made me think again about why design is delightful and powerful.It affects how people interact. The whole of the park seems to beg you to either sit/walk and enjoy the world around you, or bring someone else to enjoy it with you, and commune with them. It's lovely.
Here is a memorial to Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. I'm not sure what the official name is, but it's imposingly beautiful.
In case you cannot see, the inscription reads so: "In memory of Albert, Prince Consort."
The gate/fence merited a picture all to itself.
Guess what? elephant butt. In all seriousness, can you sculpt an elephant? I carn't.
Great socks, sir. I have noticed this great thing here. Unless there is a sign prohibiting what you're doing, you can do what you please where you please. I'd want to take off my shoes after a day in a suit....
Royal Albert Hall.
I would like one of these on my doorstep please.
Dear chimneys, you are so cool. I can't get over you.
More Albert, and the Royal College of Music.
This I have noticed: They are picky about where you park your bike. Understandably. Also, I want to be called Head Porter. How enjoyable would that be.
No detours here. No. They are DIVERSIONS. That reminds me, there must be another post too, LE LIST DU DIFFERENCE. a list of words. That are different. I want to see how many I can get.
They do not, however, mince words. Do we have these in the U.S.? I've never looked.
And just GUESS what this is. This is my future neighborhood. It is absolutely charming. There are posh little shops and hordes of chic people with dogs and clean snazzy sneakers. The Londoners, they have very nice sneakers. Sometime I will sit around and take pictures of unaware people's shoes, and make a post out of it.
If they were not police, I would steal their hats.
Here we are. Home sweet home. This is where I will live. I'm still pinching myself.
One walks down the street and sees gardens like this, with perfectly manicured paths and kids on tricycles behind the wrought iron and the hedge. I refrained from photographing said children. Duh.
May I have your dog. Thank you.
So I had to further pinch myself, because walking distance from my house is a FABRIC STORE. forget all this trucking-myself-to-Roseville-for-three-hours business. I looked at it, thinking oh, cute little place, prolly not a huge selection. HA. Here is what the basement/hidden next door room look like.
I pretty much wiggled with delight. The prices aren't awful either. And they have Liberty remnants. YES.
And this is a stroll down the block. I shall perhaps go in sometime.
Finally, kiddies, I went to the wonderful, enormous, free Victoria & Albert Museum. It is but a step from my current lodgings. I have made a pact with myself, that before I leave London, I will see everything in it. It will have to happen in installments: I only got through most of the first floor today. As you will see, they allow photography. This place gives me the same vibe as Hyde Park, richness of beauty for everyone, as long as you are courteous. All this incredible art (or nature, in the park's case) is waiting for you to enjoy it, there for the asking. All you have to do is walk in. Enjoying it so much made it really painful to walk past the donation box without putting something in, but all I had was a 20 pound note. Anywhoo. picshures.
I will do my best to recall what sections this stuff was in.
Southern Asia, I believe.
People, this is a hat. A turban rather. Nice, no?
This is the courtyard in the middle of the museum. Kids play in the fountain, though not today: was too cold.
He looks like he wants you to join him. No thanks, sir, never been too much of a necrophiliac.
And here's some stuff from the Medieval/Renaissance bit.
Need I even say who did that magnificent last one. The inimitable Dale Chihuly, derr.
I was just about to take a picture of the carpet on the half-hour, when it's lit for a few minutes, when the guard informed us that it was closing time. oh well next time.
All that was from the Islamic Middle East section. As you probably already know, they were not supposed to represent people, hence the ridiculously gorgeous abstract/geometric patterns.
And here is my favorite. It made me realize that I need to be paying attention to the history of this city, not just my first impressions.
That's what flawed perfection is, right there. On that note, goodnight.
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Wow again, you blew my socks off again.("Mrs.White you find my mama again......")So gorgeous. I've been hearing about the BBC Proms as they are going on and there you had a picture of Royal Albert Hall. The Musuem looks awesome. Bless you dear.
Lucy, thanks so much for blogging while you're there! Now I can live vicariously through you. Love it - the blog and London!
Out of pure curiosity and the fact that he gets photographed relentlessly, i thought I'd google Hyde park and wolfhound and there he is, my dog, having a pee, there by the tree. It's actually Kensington Gardens and Otto is actually a Deerhound but everyone gets those two things wrong but you are right and he is very beautiful. I'm glad you enjoyed him and celebrated him having a little pee.
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